[Conferences] Subscription

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Wed Apr 16 17:52:09 CEST 2014

In a message of Tue, 15 Apr 2014 14:59:40 -0400, Leonardo Jimenez writes:
>Hi all,
>My name is Leonardo from the DR. Following your advise and looking to
>create Pycon Caribe/Caribbean I want to be part of the conferences mailing
>Leonardo Jimenez
>*Chief Executive Officer*
>Office: (781) 247-5020 (US)/ (809) 221-6364 (DR)
>Cellphone : (809) 875-5425
>ljimenez at stancedata.com
>We love your feedback!, if you have any suggestion please visit
>Python Conferences mailing list: Conferences at python.org
>This is an open list with open archives; sensitive or confidential information should not be discussed here.

Hello and welcome!
To subscribe go to:

and follow the directions under 'Subscribing to conferences'.

This list has been pretty quiet recently.  Do let us know if there is
any help you need.  Or want.  If you are a first time conference 
organiser, then make sure you know that you are free to ask all sorts
of questions here, no matter how silly they sound.  We've been in that
position before.  

And if you are an old hand (expert) at conference organisation, then
feel free to shout for whatever you need to make your conference a
success.  "I need a Spanish speaking PSF member to explain the
Python Software Foundation" and "I need a Django expert to run a
tutorial explaining how to get started with Django" come immediately to
mind as the sort of questions we could help with.  Do be clear if the
ability to speak spanish would be a) an added bonus or b) essential. :)

Note that PyCON (North America) is happening right now -- last day of
sprints tomorrow -- so a good number of the useful people to talk with
may not get back to this discussion for several days.

Best of luck,
Laura Creighton

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