[Conferences] Add PyCon Ireland 2010 to pycon.org's list?

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Tue Apr 20 17:27:26 CEST 2010

On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 10:15 AM, John Pinner <funthyme at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> On 20 April 2010 12:14, Mike Müller <mmueller at python-academy.de> wrote:
>> Seems to me that it kind of overlaps with EuroPython:
>> http://www.europython.eu/
>> Is this intended or accident?
> It's intended in so far as it's known about: as I recall Vicky had problems
> in finding another date, and asked if the overlap was OK with us at EP.
> On the basis that the Irish event overlaps just the EP tutorials, we thought
> it was OK. As Birmingham is just a short hop from Dublin, people can attend
> both events quite easily.
>> I guess, people would have to decide to attend one of
>> these conference. I don't know if this a good idea.
> Well, it's not a good idea for EP organisers! I'd wanted to go to the Dublin
> event, but now I can't :-(
> FWIW, 11 people came from Ireland to last year's EP, and 2 of them have
> booked for EP2010 so far.

I am guessing there is 0.0 chance of rescheduling.  If so, lets see
how things play out and put some extra effort into gathering
statistics to help plan future events.

Carl K

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