[Conferences-discuss] What happened?

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 09:31:23 -0600

    Guido> What shall we do?  If it were me, I'd try the following (which
    Guido> I've proposed before):

    Guido> 1. Have a full Python Conference co-located with OSCON 2003; this
    Guido>    would probably be end of July in San Diego again.

    Guido> 2. Have a dirt cheap conference organized by YAS together with
    Guido>    Python volunteers.  Kevin Lenzo of YAS once told me they can
    Guido>    do it in June at CMU (Pittsburgh).

+1.  In my opinion the most important thing to do is to at least try #2 to
see what effect it has on turnout.
