[Conferences-discuss] Update: YAPyC 2003 (Washington, DC)

Laura Creighton lac@strakt.com
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 15:18:07 +0200

1. Are you discussing a plan for the very next winter to happen, i.e
   January 2003 or for the one after that, December 2003?

2. re:
> The couple of Europeans I met last year seemed to accept the airfare,
> hotel and rather expensive conference fees at IPC.

... then you didn't meet the ones who thought the prices were outrageous
and came anyway, as well as the people who stayed home.
> I agree that it would be nice to offer some inexpensive accomodation.
> That's been another hallmark of YAPC, at least in the US.
> Unfortunately, that only becomes available in the summer (e.g.
> university dorms), when flights are significantly more expensive.

For cheap accomodation in the spring/fall check out Summer Camps.  They
are usually happy to rent their whole site to conferences, for very
little money.  You then have to plan how to get people to the site.
Remember that some people don't drive cars.

Laura Creighton