[Compiler-sig] Bytecode

Dave zhu_dave at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 8 23:57:43 CEST 2005

Hello All,
I would like to gather some information on Python's runtime performance. As far as I understand, it deals with a lot of string objects. Perhaps, it requires a lot of string processing during program execution. So, I wrote a simple program which does simple operations on a class object. Then, I disassembled the code and looked at the bytecode. Here is what I couldn't understand:
For example, myClass.variable1 is disassembled as follows: 

LOAD_FAST 1 (myClass)
LOAD_ATTR 4 (variable1) 

What I found out is that LOAD_ATTR namei replaces the top of the stack (TOS) with getattr(TOS, co_names[namei]). My question is:
In this example, does it need any string processing to access co_names[variable1]? Or does getattr function need any string processing?   
Thanks a lot for your help!

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