[Compiler-sig] missing libraries after compilation

Martijn Brouwer e.a.m.brouwer at alumnus.utwente.nl
Fri Aug 12 14:15:56 CEST 2005

After compiling python-2.4.1 myself I miss a lot of libraries. I tried a
few of the standard modules and get error messages when I import bz2,
cPickle, struct (which makes importing pickle fail), time, math and
What can have caused this problem and how can I solve it. I compiled on
linux 2.6 with libc6 2.3.2. I used CFLAGS=-march=i486 and

I hope somebody can point me in the right direction.


Martijn Brouwer

I have a new e-mail adress. If you are still using
e.a.m.brouwer at tnw.utwente.nl, please change to
e.a.m.brouwer at alumnus.utwente.nl

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