[Compiler-sig] Re: [selfish-devel] Ugly hacks: modifying instance_getattr

echuck@mindspring.com echuck@mindspring.com
Mon, 27 Nov 2000 11:03:31 -0500

You have lost me. Why do you want to hack on "obj.foo()"?

Tripp Lilley <tripp@perspex.com> wrote:
> This isn't exactly a compilation issue, but it's somewhat related, and I
didn't see an obvious "ugly hacks" or "interpreter devloper" list
mentioned anywhere out front.

I have modified my interpreter so that, in the LOAD_ATTR case statement,
it peeks ahead in the code and looks to see if the next opcode is
"CALL_FUNCTION". If so, I'd like to use slightly different getattr steps
to resolve the attribute reference.

For resolution of the call o.XXX( ), I'd like my getattr to use these

	- if an attribute called __meth_XXX__ exists, return it.
	- if an attribute called __getmethod__ exists, call it to allow
	  it to resolve the attribute. If it returns "None", continue
	  looking for the attribute.
	- continue with "normal" attribute resolution semantics

Basically, the idea is to be able to trap attribute accesses that are
going to be immediately used as method invocations. Why?


But that's another story. At this point, I can, more or less, determine
the right "context" in which I want to apply these semantics. With the
hack to eval_code2, I trap bytecode method invocations, and with a
modification to PyObject_CallMethod, I trap C API method invocations.
What I now need to do is pass that contextual "hint" down into the
various flavours of getattr.

What's the most "friendly" way of approaching that? Since I can't use
default arguments, adding another parameter to getattrofunc would mean
I'd have to modify all of the modules to pass the parameter. Yuck. I
can't use a global variable because of thread safety issues (and because
that's ugly and I refuse :) ). Is there some thread state to which I
have access from within a getattrofunc?

One disgusting possibility that occured to me was to modify the object
being searched, temporarily replacing its tp_getattro member with a
wrapper that would prepend the method semantics. I've temporarily shot
that one down because it means I have to investigate what type of object
it is, so I can apply the correct prepend (ie: a module might or might
not support the "method" mechanisms I'm proposing). However, I'm willing
to revisit that...

The other alternative is that I'm doing Something I Shouldn't Be

Tripp Lilley * tripp@perspex.com *
"This whole textual substitution thing is pissing me off.
 I feel like I'm programming in Tcl."

- Eric Frias, former roommate, hacking partner extraordinaire
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