[Compiler-sig] Seperating out the parser

Ian Bicking bickiia@earlham.edu
Tue, 8 Feb 2000 19:20:04 -0500

I'm interested in making Python run in MUQ <http://www.muq.org>.  I
was hoping to take the parser from Python and simply retarget the
compiler.  I know there are people who would like to do the same
for Guile.

I've been reading through the source in Python-1.5.2/Parser, but
I was hoping to get a little help about where the border between
the compiler and the parser is.  Just a few pointers as to the
functions and datastructures that lie around that border, to
give me a place to start from.


Ian Bicking         / 4869 N. Talman Ave. Apt. G, Chicago, IL 60625
bickiia@earlham.edu / http://www.cs.earlham.edu/~bickiia