[code-quality] Adoption of doc8

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Thu Jul 18 10:52:40 EDT 2019

On 7/13/19 11:26 AM, Ian Stapleton Cordasco wrote:

>> Does anyone else think PyCQA might possibly make a good fit for 'doc8'?
>> If so, I'll raise the idea formally within OpenStack and start on the
>> paperwork to move things across. If not, I'd welcome other ideas for
>> where this useful project could live.
>> Stephen
>> [1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-July/007669.html
> I thiink it's definitely a fit given its focus. I don't know that
> there's anyone in the PyCQA, however, who has the cycles to maintain
> it. Would you and Sorin be willing to maintain it inside the PyCQA?
> I'd be happy to set things up so that you both could add more
> maintainers easily.

I haven't done anything within this org except join the mailing list and
lurk, but I might be able to give some time to such a project. There'd
be a learning curve, natch, so this is just to say I'm here, not that
I'd be any immediate help.

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