[code-quality] Pylint logo

Jean-Christophe Morin jean_christophe_morin at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 24 11:33:59 EST 2019

Hey guys, my name is Jean-Christophe Morin and I've been using Pylint for a couple of years now and I love it.

I'm also a user of Jenkins, more particularly the warnings-ng plugin (https://github.com/jenkinsci/warnings-ng-plugin/blob/master/doc/Documentation.md)

They have support for Pylint natively and it's now the "official" (in quotes cause it was created to avoid having one million plugin for each language) plugin to read code analysis reports for all languages in Jenkins (reference: https://jenkins.io/blog/2018/09/11/speaker-blog-warnings-plugin/). Note that I'm not the author of this plugin, so, so I am not doing any kind of publicity or any kind.

They list the tools they support in https://github.com/jenkinsci/warnings-ng-plugin/blob/master/SUPPORTED-FORMATS.md, but as you will see, Pylint has no logo :(

So my question is, can I use the logo from https://www.pylint.org/? If so, can I make a square icon with only the left part without text? I haven't found any information on whether or not we are authorized to use this logo or if it's an official logo, etc.

Thanks a lot!

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