[code-quality] pylint 2.0 / astroid 2.0 released!

Kay Hayen kay.hayen at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 05:06:37 EDT 2018

Hello Claudiu,

> Also
> forgot to mention that we have plans to add support of linting
> Python 2 files while the running interpreter is Python 3
> but we didn't have enough time before release to implement
> that: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/2070. Once
> we have that feature, you can just have pylint 2.X installed
> and run it for both Python 2 and 3 linting.

That's great, thanks for going there. Subscribed to the issue. That
will solve all the
problems for me. I hope somebody tackles it. But just to be clear. I
totally get it if
it were not to happen.

For Nuitka I have chosen to run with the language version that I compile, so run
time computations need not be abstracted. One idea I had was to have a slave
Python interpreter on the target OS, target Python version, that does
part of the
work, e.g. "1+2L", while also caching results. So far, this has proven
too crazy,
but would enable cross compilation maybe.

Not sure how much compile time computations PyLint does. I assume it is quite
a lot.


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