[code-quality] Patch to expose path of rcfile

Claudiu Popa pcmanticore at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 18:15:35 EDT 2016

On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 11:09 PM, Tim Stumbaugh <stum at hudson-trading.com> wrote:
> We run pylint two ways:
> Interactively, in the same location as the .pylintrc file. We don't
> explicitly pass it to pylint, and the normal routines for finding a
> .pylintrc file work well here. There won't be an environment variable set
> here (since it's just running within a user's shell session), but
> config.PYLINTRC is correct.
> Via arcanist's "arc lint" command, which changes the working directory to
> the incorrect directory (i.e. pylint can't find an rc file it without help),
> but with --rcfile. Arcanist has a specific configuration setting just for
> pylint's rc file which we use.
> So while it's certainly possible to use environment variables to solve this
> problem, I think that would be more complicated (given the two different
> cases) and somewhat difficult to express as an init-hook.
> Here's another proposal: would it be amenable to move the function that
> executes the init-hook to be a method on the linter class, instead of just a
> pure function in the module? That way, the init-hook could have closer
> access to the linter (via the "self" name, presumably) and therefore the
> pylintrc file?
> Of course, if you'd prefer not to support this workflow, I completely
> understand, and our workaround is workable (even if it's a bit brittle).
> tjs

Sure, that sounds like a solution that could work,
feel free to send a pull request with it.


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