[code-quality] Announcing ci.pycqa.org

Ian Cordasco graffatcolmingov at gmail.com
Sat Jul 16 21:38:32 EDT 2016

Hey all!

So, Rackspace has provided us with some sponsorship so we can run
things like Jenkins! This allows us to run ci.pycqa.org.

Flake8 has been using this for continuous integration with GitLab for
a while now, but we've recently moved the public address from
ci.sigmavir.us (my temporary domain) to ci.pycqa.org and added more
build capacity. We should also have money enough to add more build
nodes if necessary.

We currently support python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and pypy's latest
5.x branch for Python environments. The controlling Jenkins node (that
you see at ci.pycqa.org) is running Ubuntu 14.04 while the solitary
build node is running 16.04. We also support GitHub Pull Requests and
we can probably support other linux variants as well.

Presently I'm the sole administrator of all of this, but I'd still
like to make sure the larger group can take advantage of it.

As for future facing plans, I'd kind of like to utilize Jenkins to its
fullest potential, including building wheels after successful builds
for PRs for Flake8. This will make it easier for me to install and
test the PR itself. I don't presently have that set-up *yet* and I
haven't quite figured out how I would do that, but if that sounds
interesting to you, let's chat (on this mailing list or in private).

Finally, I just wanted to thank Rackspace again (and Jesse Noller in
particular) for this sponsorship. If you're one of those inclined to
tweet, you should thank Jesse @jessenoller. I'm sure he'd appreciate


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