[code-quality] PyCQA News

Ian Cordasco graffatcolmingov at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 08:31:55 EDT 2016

Hey all,

It's been a while since we talked about new things happening in the
PyCQA. We have new projects and a couple other tiny announcements.

New projects!

We've added pyflakes and flake8-import-order to our tiny group of
folks and of course we're still open to other projects. There is
discussion on the Jedi issue tracker
(https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi/issues/630) about moving a
project that can provide a unified AST to various projects (including
some PyCQA projects) into the organization as well.

OpenHUB Organization!

We now have an organization on OpenHub: https://www.openhub.net/orgs/PyCQA

This means that projects and developers can show their affiliation
with the organization. Doing so is *not* mandatory but I thought it
might be fun for some people, plus we're part of a fairly small group
of people testing this feature for OpenHUB.


A little while back I registered the domain and started using
sub-domains for documentation, e.g.,



If you have a project in the PyCQA and would like one of those
sub-domains for your docs, let me know. They're *very* easy to set-up
with ReadTheDocs.

New Logo!

You might have noticed on our OpenHUB organization or on our GitLab
and GitHub organizations, but if you didn't we have a Logo!

Glynnis Ritchie made our logo for us and collaborated with the rest of
us over on https://github.com/PyCQA/meta/issues/1


We already have (and some of us use) ##python-code-quality on
Freenode's IRC servers. IRC, however, is still rather unpopular so
some members have started discussing a better persistent chat option
(https://github.com/PyCQA/meta/issues/11) and have started testing

Blog (Coming soon)

We started discussing a new blog for the organization as a whole:

I think we can just use Sphinx + ReadTheDocs and a domain hack for all
of this. If you have other ideas, weigh in on the issue.

Ian (sigmavirus24)

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