[code-quality] Is it necessary to use python 3.x for patching something (and running tests) in pylint code-base?

Florian Bruhin me at the-compiler.org
Thu Apr 14 05:11:05 EDT 2016


* Ahirnish Pareek <ahirnish at arista.com> [2016-04-14 14:35:51 +0530]:
> I am using Python 2.7 and when I searched for this error on Google, results
> said that 'enum' was introduced from Python3.4 but it was backported to
> previous releases too, including 2.7. Owing to the error, I did 'pip
> install enum' and now I am seeing this -

The backport of Python 3.4's enum to earlier versions is called
'enum34'. The 'enum' package seems to be something different, which
existed before Python 3.4.

I can recommend using tox to run the tests instead, which will set up
a virtualenv and install the right dependencies when you simply run
'tox': https://testrun.org/tox/


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