[code-quality] Not Seeing PEP8 Formatting Errors

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Sun Jul 26 20:03:05 CEST 2015

On Sun, 26 Jul 2015, Ian Cordasco wrote:

> Note that pep8 disallows spaces around keyword arguments, you have
>    value = 'Environmental'
> When pep8 wants
>    value='Environmental'
> Spaces around an = is for assignment, not for keyword arguments.


   Mea culpa! Thought I had fixed all these.

> This doesn't seem right. Can you share a file that causes this error?
> Literally save the file and either email it to me privately or post it
> somewhere where I can download this and run it locally?

   I'll send you the file and a copy of the flake8 output. There must be
something simple I'm just not seeing despite looking and looking.

> Is Flake8 running as part of Emacs with something like Flycheck?

   No. I open another buffer and run the shell in it.


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