[code-quality] Getting Flake8 to report syntax errors.

Kannan Goundan kannan at cakoose.com
Fri Jan 16 01:52:17 CET 2015

Sample input file "test.py":

    def f(x)
        print x

Pyflakes reports the syntax error:

    $ pyflakes test.py
    test.py:1:9: invalid syntax
    def f(x)

But Flake8 doesn't:

    $ flake8 test.py

Is this intentional?  Is there a way to get Flake8 to report syntax errors?

    $ flake8 --version
    2.3.0 (pep8: 1.5.7, pyflakes: 0.8.1, mccabe: 0.3) CPython 2.7.5 on Darwin
    $ pyflakes --version

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