[code-quality] pylint installation

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch marc at rintsch.de
Fri Jan 24 13:21:23 CET 2014

On 24/01/14 10:43, VIJAY BASKAR wrote:

>       I am trying to use pylint for my unit testing. And so I downloaded
> the latest patch of pylint from the link
> "http://download.logilab.org/pub/pylint/". So when I started running
> pylint on my python file, it throws me an error. I have attached the
> screenshot of that error page.

You could have selected just the text in that window and pasted it as
text into the mail.  Smaller mail and less likely to end up in a spam
filter.  :-)

>      Moreover, should I install the dependencies(astroid and logilab)
> manually??
>      Or will it be auto-installed when am installing Pylint?    

This depends on how you have installed Pylint.  If you download the
source manually and do ``python setup.py install`` in the unpacked
directory then you have to install the dependencies manually too.

If you use an installer like ``pip`` then the dependencies will be
automatically resolved/installed.

>       So please help me out of this. If I have to install the
> dependencies too, please send me the links for downloading the dependencies.

My first stop is always the Python package index (pypi):


You'll find the dependencies there and links to download locations, or
you may search for ``pip``, install that, and then use it to (re)install
Pylint including the dependencies.

	Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
“Optimization hinders evolution.”  -- Alan J. Perlis

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