[code-quality] [Python-projects] New warning about print parens not a good idea?

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch marc at rintsch.de
Fri Feb 7 22:07:15 CET 2014

On 07/02/14 20:15, Sasha Hart wrote:
> If there are many people who actually want to enforce the non-use of
> print(arg) in 2.x for some specific reason, and not just because it is
> bad style to write if (a == b) or foobar((2)) - then I would strongly
> prefer for an error code to disable this check independently of the
> other useful warnings, as Carl Crowder suggested. 

I think ``print(something)`` is even worse than ``if (a == b):`` because
it is misleading if ``print`` is a statement.  It lets people think it's
okay to also write ``print(something, another_thing)`` which has a very
different meaning and output depending on ``print`` being a statement or
a function.

Are there really that many people out there trying to write single
source code for 2.5 and 3.x?  That's quite some range.

A separate error code would be good, because IMHO it is a different kind
of ”error”.

	Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
“Web 2.0 is not about bringing people together or creating
 communities or making the world a better place.  It's about
 making huge profits out of peer pressure.”    -- scytale.de

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