[code-quality] How and where to add tests for Python 3

Ian Cordasco graffatcolmingov at gmail.com
Mon Aug 25 18:11:28 CEST 2014

Can you please reply with the output from:

flake8 --version

On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 10:33 AM, François Magimel
<francois.magimel at etu.enseeiht.fr> wrote:
> I tested with python 3.4, but Flake8 didn't recognized this error…
> But I thought Flake8 only runs pep8, PyFlakes & co. tests, no? So, if I
> would like to add this test, it may belong to PyFlakes, right?
> Le 25/08/2014 14:38, Ian Cordasco a écrit :
>> So Flake8 would actually recognize that if you installed Flake8 under
>> Python 3 (e.g., pip3 install flake8), and then run flake8 from Python
>> 3.
>> You can do this with a virtualenv more easily like:
>> virtualenv -ppython3 path/to/virtualenv
>> source path/to/virtualenv/bin/activate
>> pip install flake8
>> flake8 project/
>> PyFlakes will only run checks for the version of Python it is
>> installed on. Let me know if you run into any problems with this.
>> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 3:36 AM, François Magimel
>> <francois.magimel at etu.enseeiht.fr> wrote:
>>> Le 25/08/2014 02:24, Ian Cordasco a écrit :
>>>> On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 3:07 PM, François Magimel
>>>> <francois.magimel at etu.enseeiht.fr> wrote:
>>>>> Hello!
>>>>> I'm new in this mailing, so I will introduce myself first. I'm François
>>>>> (alias Linkid), a French engineering student who code mainly in Python.
>>>>> I'm involved in some open source projects and some of them like Django
>>>>> or OpenStack.
>>>>> I would like to add a test for Python 3 to check an import, but I don't
>>>>> really know on which project (pep8, pyflakes, …) to do that and how to
>>>>> do it (by a push request on github or somewhere else, by a bug report,
>>>>> …). I searched some clue and I think my test should be used by pyflakes,
>>>>> but I'm not sure… So, here are my questions:
>>>>> - on which project should I add a Python 3 import test ?
>>>>> - how I should process ?
>>>>> I think it could help be a lot if someone explain me what one project
>>>>> really check, if it is possible.
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> François Magimel (Linkid)
>>>> Hello François,
>>>> I'm not quite sure anyone on this list can answer your question. You
>>>> haven't given us any guidance about what the check is that you would
>>>> like to add. Do you want to check for imports that are not used in
>>>> Python 3? Are you looking for imports that would fail on Python 3
>>>> instead? Are you looking to ensure some style of imports? Perhaps
>>>> you're looking to do what openstack/hacking already does (ensure only
>>>> modules are imported)? There are too many possibilities for us to be
>>>> helpful.
>>>> Further, unless what you wish to add is part of
>>>> http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/, I can at least tell you
>>>> that it does *not* belong in pep8. If you can give us more details I
>>>> can also tell you whether it belongs in PyFlakes. If it turns out it
>>>> does not belong in PyFlakes, you can always write and release your own
>>>> plugin for Flake8.
>>>> Sorry I cannot be more helpful,
>>>> Ian
>>> Hello,
>>> Oh, yes, it will be better if I give some details. My code didn't pass
>>> my python 3 tests due to an import of string. As a matter of fact, I was
>>> using string.letters which is not in python 3 anymore. However, when I
>>> tested my code with flake8, I wasn't warned about it. So, I would like
>>> to add this warning (maybe to PyFlakes, but I'm not sure). And I think
>>> it is not only an OpenStack issue because it concerns every projects.
>>> So, if someone can help me to add it (to PyFlakes?) by giving me the
>>> process (PR on GitHub?), I will be very happy to contribute :).
>>> Thank you for your answer, Ian.
>>> François

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