[code-quality] Python skeletons: type hinting for third-party libraries

Vladimir Keleshev vladimir at keleshev.com
Thu Nov 7 15:14:41 CET 2013

Hi Andrey,

1. I'm a docstring bigot, so the only thing I can recommend is that *if* you decide to use docstrings for type annotations, please, select the format that is readable and well-supported (i.e. NumPy).

2. I don't have much to comment on how the types should be specified, but you should take into account that python is duck-typed language. Sometimes the type is "anything that implements .read() and .write() methods", or "anything that follows `__contains__` protocol".


07.11.2013, 13:53, "Andrey Vlasovskikh" <andrey.vlasovskikh at gmail.com>:
> Hi Vladimir,
>>  You should take a look at NumPy docstring conventions which are fully supported by Sphinx, and are actually human-readable.
> There are two questions here:
> 1. Where to put type information?
>     * Docstrings
>         * ReStructured Text (http://sphinx-doc.org/domains.html#the-python-domain)
>         * Epydoc
>         * NumPy
>     * Expressions
>         * Python 3 function annotations
>         * Decorators
> 2. What type system to use? (its syntax and semantics, see the related work section in the Python skeletons proposal [1])
> We think that the best place for type information would be function annotations, but they are available only in Python 3 and there is no de facto standard for describing types as Python expressions.
> We use docstring-based types in Python skeletons only as a simple temporary solution, since we believe that the effort should be put in creating an expression-based type system for Python that would be acceptable for a large number of static analysis projects and regular Python developers.
> We would like to discuss the current implementations [1] and come up with a unified expression-based language (perhaps, supported by a library) for describing Python types, or at least, a set of common patterns (e.g. using a class value as a type of its instances).
> [1]: https://github.com/JetBrains/python-skeletons#related-work
> --
> Andrey Vlasovskikh
> Senior Software Developer
> JetBrains
> http://www.jetbrains.com/
> "Develop with pleasure!"

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