[code-quality] pylint unit tests?

Sylvain Thénault sylvain.thenault at logilab.fr
Thu Jul 4 09:38:27 CEST 2013

On 03 juillet 20:22, Skip Montanaro wrote:
> As Martin indicated, there doesn't seem like there should be much in
> the way of platform-specific stuff in pylint.  I tend to run Python
> 2.7.x built from the main Python repo:
> % python
> Python 2.7.5+ (2.7:5896f887a93a, Jul  3 2013, 20:04:47)
> [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

that should not be a problem.
> Any advice cheerfully accepted...

* Are you sure that PYTHONPATH is set properly so that your checkout of pylint
  is used to run the test? The second trace you provide tends to make me think
  there is a problem here.

* You probably need to be on the tip of checkout of astroid [1], and maybe of 
  logilab.common [2] as well (though I think there are only python3 related fixes 

Regarding your mercurial problem, you should simply commit your changes so you may
go back and forth:

 $ hg commit -m "my new check"
 $ hg up .^ # go back to parent changeset
 $ hg up tip # go back to changeset introducing my new check

If you have the evolve extension [3] installed and activated (promise it's worth 
the try ;), you may modify your changeset later on, and much more

 # do some changes to e.g. fix the test
 $ hg amend # update the current changeset

[1] https://bitbucket.org/logilab/astroid
[2] http://hg.logilab.org/master/logilab/common
[3] http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/ChangesetEvolution

Hope that helps
Sylvain Thénault, LOGILAB, Paris ( - Toulouse (
Formations Python, Debian, Méth. Agiles: http://www.logilab.fr/formations
Développement logiciel sur mesure:       http://www.logilab.fr/services
CubicWeb, the semantic web framework:    http://www.cubicweb.org

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