[code-quality] Problems installing pylint 1.0

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Aug 6 16:59:37 CEST 2013

I'm trying to package up pylint 1.0 for our local installation.  For
the most part, the simple tar archive seems ideal, however the path
components in the generated tar file have an unwanted prefix.  Our
Python installation is in /opt/TWWfsw/python27, so
./opt/TWWfsw/python27 appears as a prefix to all components of the tar

% tar tfz dist/pylint-1.0.0.share.tar.gz  | head

I would like that to be:

% tar tfz dist/pylint-1.0.0.share.tar.gz  | head

How do I manage that?  The bdist command doesn't accept a --prefix arg.

Alternatively, I'd like the install command to work properly.  It does
the right thing path-wise, but only installs lib, not bin:

% ls -l /var/tmp/pylint-1.0/
total 4
drwxrwxr-x 3 skipm snake 4096 Aug  6 09:44 lib



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