[CI-Announce] Let's make our CI world stronger and more whole

Nicole Bindler nicolebindler at gmail.com
Thu Jun 22 23:09:20 EDT 2017

Dear CI folks,

I'm writing to share with you this letter
wrote with help from Daniel Bear Davis and Lailye Weidman, and to ask you
to sign onto a pledge
participate in community-wide conversations about those who cannot
participate in CI because of who they are or where they live.

Nancy Stark Smith has endorsed our request for a moment of silent
acknowledgement during the STAND at the beginning of this year’s Global
Underscore to acknowledge those throughout the world, in Palestine and
elsewhere, who experience limited freedom of movement because of political,
racial, or economic barriers. Nancy Stark Smith will be doing this in
Estonia and invites you to take this suggestion as you wish into your
Global Underscore practice.

I hope that you will join us in this practice, and that all of you who are
interested will participate in the conference call on August 20th at 12noon
EST to discuss these issues. RSVP to me for details.

Please check out the letter
sign on, and share widely!

Warm wishes,
-Nicole Bindler

*Bindler <http://www.nicolebindler.com/>*

The Institute for Somatics and Social Justice
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