[CI-Announce] REMINDER: Deadline in 2 days! CQ CI Survey! Thank you for responding!

Nancy Stark Smith nssunderscore at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 07:57:05 CEST 2015

Are you a person who loves and practices Contact Improvisation?

Contact Quarterly dance journal would like your help.

Please fill out this short survey by August 15 and share it freely and widely throughout your CI network. It is designed to get feedback about what you currently use and want from Contact Quarterly in support of your Contact Improvisation practice.

As CQ enters its 40th year, having started as a photocopied CI newsletter and become a worldwide journal of moving ideas, we're reflecting on the journal’s future and radically re-examining our format and purpose. We're looking to understand more fully how CQ is (or is NOT) used by CI practitioners, in order to better serve the CI community in this digital age. We're doing this by conducting a comprehensive, worldwide survey! Your feedback, ideas, suggestions, and dreams for the next 40 years are vitally needed. We will read every survey response with care and seriousness.

Your responses are critically important to the future of CI in CQ. In exchange, we offer you a free one-year online subscription to CQ (normally $15). See survey for details.

Here is the Link: 

CI IN CQ SURVEY <http://contactquarterly.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b8cf2ba4f0e43be1a641ad345&id=86e18dac56&e=7eace4c4d7>
CI IN CQ SURVEY (Francais) <http://contactquarterly.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b8cf2ba4f0e43be1a641ad345&id=d3b175a200&e=7eace4c4d7>
CI IN CQ SURVEY (Español) <http://contactquarterly.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b8cf2ba4f0e43be1a641ad345&id=b21c7b4917&e=7eace4c4d7>
Thank you so very much for your participation!

                     ~ Nancy Stark Smith and Chris Aiken, for CQ

P.S. Please ask people if they have done this CI survey. Help us circulate it as comprehensively as possible by forwarding it to CI people and groups. Thank you!

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