[CI-Announce] Virus alert - contact improv

Chris Deephouse listings at contactimprov.net
Tue Jan 20 07:26:22 EST 2004


In the past three days, I have received several email messages containing 
the W32.Beagle.A at mm virus.  The "From" on these emails are people active in 
contact improv.  My guess is that someone's computer has been compromised 
and the virus is sending email to me, forging the "From" with another name 
from that person's address book.

Please be sure you are using Anti-virus software with email scanning turned on.

Please don't open attachments, unless you are sure the attachment is 
safe.  The most recent email had an attachment "myghxasyr.exe" that 
contained the virus code.

My thanks if you are already practicing safe Internet.

Be in contact,

Chris Deephouse
Curator, www.contactimprov.net
listings at contactimprov.net  
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