[ChiPy-announce] ChiPy November 2020 Main Meeting Live Stream Link for Tonight

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 10:02:10 EST 2020

Hi ChiPy,

Just a final reminder about our ChiPy November Main Meeting Livesteam
tonight! We have a great lineup, so don't miss out!
The stream starts at 6pm.

Here is a direct link to the youtube stream for your convenience:

See you there!


   - *Venmo @ Graduation*
   By: Josh Martin

   In search of good memes, emojis, and a quick scheme to make fast cash: I
   decided to put an LED Matrix into my college graduation cap. While making
   some missteps along the way, I learned a lot of valuable lessons including
   how to retrieve data from websites easily and regularly (even if they do
   not want you to), sourcing and evaluating hardware components, and
   connecting everything using plain Python. I will describe my experience
   going from a complete beginner to an expert as I step into the next phase
   of my life, making my mother proud along the way.
   - *zoneinfo: A stunning module of exceptional quality*
   By: Paul Ganssle

   Python 3.9 introduces the `zoneinfo` module, which brings concrete time
   zone support to the standard library. In this talk, I'll discuss the
   history of time zone support in Python, make the case for migrating your
   code to `zoneinfo`, and hopefully give you an understanding of everything
   you'll need to know to successfully make use of the new module.

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