[ChiPy-announce] [ANN] Chipy January Meeting -- this Thursday, 7pm

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Tue Jan 10 12:22:52 CET 2012

Chicago Python User Group January Meeting

When: 7 PM Thursday January 12, 2012
Where: The LaSalle Network

Join us this Thursday as world renowned Python author, developer, and
educator David Beazley @dabeaz  (http://www.dabeaz.com/) will present
on his latest mind bending epic. Followed up by a talk you will love,
Alex Gaynor @alex_gaynor constructive (we hope) hate for the Django
ORM. These two always draw a crowd so get here early. Also this will
be located at an exciting new venue.

(optional) RSVP at http://chipy.org/
Please bring your ID wether you RSVP or not. If you get get a chance
please RSVP so we know how much food/drink to order.

Quick Links:
YES http://chipy.org/meetings/rsvp/44/yes
MAYBE http://chipy.org/meetings/rsvp/44/maybe


Food and Drink will be served before or after first talk, Thank you
LaSalle Network!

1) Welcome from Brian Ray @brianray. A brief word from our sponsors
and venue host: The Lasalle Network

2) RPython for Pypy
(:45 Forty-Five Minutes)
By: David Beazley
Lately, David has been wrapping his brain around how parts of the PyPy
toolchain works. His talk will try and explain how RPython actually
works, "assuming my head doesn't explode in the process," he says.

3) Why I hate the Django ORM
(:30 Thirty Minutes)
By: Alex Gaynor
This is a cautionary tale of API design, guessability, and all the
good stuff that you only care about when you show your project to
someone else :)

4) occurrences of "GATACCA" in the human genome
(:15 Fifteen Minutes)
By: Clyde Forrester

LaSalle Network
200 N. LaSalle St. 17th floor

About the group
ChiPy is made up of people of all levels of programming and Python
knowledge. At every meeting we have had both beginning programmers,
people who are just starting to use Python, as well as experienced
Python programmers. Don't be intimidated about coming to a meeting.


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