[ChiPy-announce] ANN ChiPy July Meeting at Morningstar Thurs 14

Brian Ray brianhray at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 04:34:39 CEST 2011

Chicago Python User Group

When: 7 PM Thursday July 14, 2011
Where: Morningstar Inc: Global Headquarters 22 W Washington St 7th
floor Chicago, IL 60602

Join us for the best meeting ever!

You will need to RSVP at http://chipy.org/

RSVP Quick Links:

YES http://chipy.org/meetings/rsvp/35/yes
MAYBE http://chipy.org/meetings/rsvp/35/maybe

  (pre) 6:30 Meet and greet, food! (Morningstar)
  1. 7:00 Apps for Metro (Geoff Hing)
  2. 7:30 Playdoh (Kumar McMilla)
  3. 7:55 five Minute break & book give away
  4. 8:00 Katas in Ruby and Python (Paul Pagel)


Meet and greet
(:30 Twenty Minutes)
during: word from Morningstar and lightening talk by Joshua
Herman on appengine geo location API

1. Apps for Metro
(:20 Twenty Minutes)
By: Geoff Hing
Apps for Metro Chicago, Illinois is the first apps competition to be a
collaborative effort among four governmental agencies. Submit your
Python project into the competition!

2. Playdoh
(:20 Twenty Minutes)
By: Kumar McMillan
Playdoh is Mozilla's starter kit for new Django projects. It aims to
be secure-by-default and set up all the same goodies we use to scale
for high traffic, perform background tasks, localize our sites in many
languages, and other cool things.

3. Break and Free Books
(:05 Five Minutes)

4. Katas in Ruby and Python
(:45 Forty-Five Minutes)
By: Paul Pagel
Parallel *live* Katas programming done in Ruby, then mirrored in
Python followed by a brief history of code katas and why deliberate
practice is important to the professional software developer. Then an
exercise (in kata) that we will be done as a group, both in Python and in
Ruby-- with a comparison of different solutions (both Ruby and
Python). We want to exaggerate the difference between the languages as
small and the larger difference is how we approach problems and self
improvement as software professionals.


Morningstar Inc: Global Headquarters
22 W Washington St, 7th floor
Chicago, IL 60602
Place Page: http://bit.ly/pQmlaC


Video Sponsor:
Paul May, ForecastWatch and Imaginary Landscape

Food and Venue Hosts:
Morningstar Inc

For making the worlds best programming language:
Python Software Foundation

For making a great home for tech new and old, big and small:
The City of Chicago

For being a great fury animal:
ChiPy the Maskot

About the group

ChiPy is a group of Chicago Python Programmers, l33t, and n00bs.
Meetings are held monthly at various locations around Chicago. Also,
ChiPy is a proud sponsor of many Open Source and Educational efforts
in Chicago. Stay tuned to the mailing list for more info.

ChiPy website: <http://chipy.org>
ChiPy Mailing List: <http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/chicago>
ChiPy Announcement *ONLY* Mailing List:
Python website: <http://python.org>

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