[Chennaipy] July month meeting minutes

Rengaraj D sakthirengaraj at gmail.com
Sat Jul 24 06:40:21 EDT 2021

## First talk
  - kivy is a cross platform application
  - Intents
     - Intents are used to send messages between apps
     - Implicit intents and explicit intents

  - Implicit intents
    - send request within app e.g, navigation between different pages in an

  - Explicit intent
    - send request to some other app

 - Pyjnius
   - is the python api to use Java intent objects.

## Second talk

  - Telenium
   - Automation test framework to test GUI application built using Kivy

   - Demo
     -  a telenium app to test GUI applications which have multiple pages.
     - After running the telenium the GUI application button actions were
automated with out
       manual navigation.

## Third Talk

  - Fast API
    - fast to code
    - easy to learn
    - api testing is easy in fast API

  - Demo 1
    - A simple application that return hello world

  - Demo 2
    - A simple application to receive data from the user using post method

  - FastAPI project structure
     - Using a command we can create a default fast api project structure.
-------------- next part --------------
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