[Chennaipy] GraphQL Engine on Postgres - Talk at ChennaiPy

Deepak Sahoo deepak at hasura.io
Wed Jul 18 07:35:17 EDT 2018

Hey Vijay,

Hope you had the chance to read my email?

I'm happy to share that we got a tremendous response from the community
when we released the Hasura GraphQL Engine to Open Source this week.
We hit 2000 stars on GitHub <https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine>
within 2 days!

Do let me know if you're interested in having us speak at your upcoming


On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 5:17 PM, Deepak Sahoo <deepak at hasura.io> wrote:

> Hi Vijay,
> My name is Deepak and I'm a community manager at Hasura.
> We have recently soft-launched the Hasura GraphQL engine
> <https://hasura.io/>. This gives you GraphQL APIs instantly on existing
> Postgres based application. We are also working towards open sourcing this
> in a few weeks.
> I wanted to check with you to see if we can arrange for a remote speaking
> session/live-demo by Tanmai (our founder) about this tool at one of your
> upcoming Meetups.
> In this talk, we'll go over the design and architecture of this
> high-performance, low-footprint engine. For example, on Heroku's free tier
> with the free postgres addon, you can get query throughputs in excess of a
> 1000 reqs/sec at around ~50MB of RAM. We will take you over how to set
> Hasura up with your existing Postgres applications, including
> authentication and authorization, so that you can start using GraphQL from
> your apps without writing backend code.
> Do let me know if this is something you might be interested in.
> Best,
> Deepak
> --
> *Deepak Sahoo*
> Community Manager
> hasura.io | *@HasuraHQ <https://twitter.com/HasuraHQ>* | *Facebook
> <https://www.facebook.com/HasuraHQ/>* | *LinkedIn
> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/hasura>*
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> Hasura in the news: TechCrunch
> <https://techcrunch.com/2018/04/25/hasura-snares-1-6-m-seed-for-developer-focused-kubernetes-solution/>
>  | TheNewStack
> <https://thenewstack.io/hasura-focuses-on-making-kubernetes-easier-with-gitops/>


*Deepak Sahoo*
Community Manager
hasura.io | *@HasuraHQ <https://twitter.com/HasuraHQ>* | *Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/HasuraHQ/>* | *LinkedIn
Gitkube <https://gitkube.sh/> - Deploy to Kubernetes using git push (Open
Hasura in the news: TechCrunch
 | TheNewStack
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