[Chennaipy] Fwd: Proposal for a machine learning session

Vijay Kumar B. vijaykumar at zilogic.com
Thu Aug 25 00:21:00 EDT 2016

On Thursday 25 August 2016 09:31 AM, Suriyadeepan R wrote:
> Hi,
> ​I apologize for posting this so late.
> I am an Independent Researcher, interested in Machine Learning and AI. 
> I am a member of the Free Software Hardware Movement, Puducherry. I 
> came across the Chennaipy group recently and decided to attend the 
> August Meetup. I would like to propose a session on Sentiment Analysis 
> with Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). I can start with a toy example, 
> where we use a Character based RNN and then move on to Word Embedding.

Hi Suriyadeepan, welcome to Chennaipy.

> I hope I am not too late on the proposal.
> *Sentiment Analysis with Recurrent Neural Networks*
> *
> *
> /Recurrent Neural Networks are revolutionizing the NLP industry. We 
> encounter more intelligent chatbots everyday. This session will be an 
> introduction to Language Modelling with Neural Networks. We will be 
> working with Twitter Sentiment Corpus 
> <http://www.sananalytics.com/lab/twitter-sentiment/>, which is a small 
> collection of tweets that mention @apple, #google, #micosoft and 
> #twitter. Our goal is to classify the tweets into one of these 
> classes, {positive, neutral, negative, irrelevant}, using Google's 
> Tensorflow framework. It would be great if the participants have 
> tensorflow package installed 
> <https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/r0.10/get_started/os_setup.html> 
> in their laptops.
> /

Thanks for coming forward to do a talk. Please note that our slots are 
20 mins long, and are not hands-on. We have 3 slots and they are 
currently taken. Can we schedule this for the next meetup?

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