[Chennaipy] Python 101 - Workshop

Vijay Kumar vijaykumar at bravegnu.org
Fri Feb 13 17:22:43 CET 2015

Hi Everyone,
A workshop on Python basics has been scheduled for Feb 28th (the same
day as the meetup), between 9:00am and 1:00pm. Adaptavant Technology
Solutions has kindly agreed (thanks to James Mortensen) to host the

== Prerequisite

Familiarity with atleast one programming language

== Contents (Tentative)

  * Introduction, Modules and Functions
  * Strings and If Statement
  * Lists and For Loops
  * Sorting, Tuples and List Comprehension
  * Dicts and Files
  * The Standard Library

An event has been created on meetup. Please visit the meetup page
http://www.meetup.com/Chennaipy/events/220501575/ for more details.


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