[Catalog-sig] PEP 345 Update

Tres Seaver tseaver at palladion.com
Fri Aug 27 23:08:08 CEST 2010

Hash: SHA1

P.J. Eby wrote:
> At 02:47 PM 8/26/2010 +0200, Alexis Métaireau wrote:
>> Right, the installation *will not* cause problems, but they will 
>> apear after that. If so, we have two choices:
>> - First is to tell nothing to the user about that, and I think 
>> that's a good option, as it could result in a end user bad 
>> experience (if that's not handled at the installation level, what 
>> will handle this?)
>> - Second is to prompt the user about what he want to do: Do we have 
>> to install the release/distribution, even if it can cause problems 
>> while running them? Are you sure you want to install both, even if 
>> it could lead to such issues ?, etc.
> Informing the user about the conflict isn't a bad idea...  but then 
> again, it sounds like something that would normally be covered in a 
> project's README.
> Notice here the difference between the Python environment and a Linux 
> distribution: the distribution is not merely *installing* software, 
> it is also *deploying* it in some sense -- such software is 
> preconfigured as well as installed, and integrated with the system as a whole.
> However, that same software as released by its author is not so 
> integrated and preconfigured, and thus, these conflict issues cannot 
> necessarily even be *known* in advance by the author.
> IMO, then, the very ideas of Obsoletes and Conflicts are broken in 
> the software *distribution* context, vs. the software "integration" 
> or "deployment" context.  System packagers can make these kind of 
> evaluations in the context of their supported integration.
> However, with the exception of informing people about an obsoleted 
> package of theirs, these are not judgments that can be made so 
> unequivocally by the individual author of a piece of software, as 
> they have no overview of the integrated whole (as a system 
> integrator/distributor does).
>>> In other words, none of the above is actually a use-case for having 
>>> a "Conflicts" field.
>> I have pain to imagine use cases where conflicts could raise at the 
>> *installation* level too, but the question seems to be: "do we need 
>> something to describe installation-related conflicts, or run-related 
>> conflicts ? In debian apt system, conflicts are described for 
>> "on-run" issues, IIRC.
> ...and they're described relative to a specific runtime environment, 
> which won't really be the case for the individual Python package author.
>>> Here's the thing: so far I'm the ONLY person in the discussion who 
>>> has even offered an example of when Obsoletes would be used...  and 
>>> for the two examples I gave, I would totally be willing to make a 
>>> new release for them to include that field, if there was some 
>>> benefit (e.g. user notification) to having the field.
>> And that's the use case described in the PEP. So, now, we have to 
>> choose if it's acceptable to make a new release for updating this 
>> field, or not.
> I was just pointing out that so far, 100% of the people who have 
> given use cases for Obsoletes are fine with having to issue a new 
> release to make it Obsoleted-By.  ;-)
> (However, PyPI already allows metadata field editing of an 
> already-released package, so as long as the new field were added to 
> the existing editable fields, that'd be fine too.)
>>> (Note that forked packages using the same API only conflict because 
>>> of *installing conflicting files* -- so if you're thinking of a 
>>> fork as your example here, it is leading you to confuse the ideas 
>>> of Obsoletes and Conflicts.)
>> I was not thinking about a fork, but about a new rename. That said, 
>> I must admit that the difference between the two fields is sometimes 
>> hard to see.
> At this point, the only reasonable use of either is to inform the 
> user about something, and in the case of Obsoletes, it's not 
> necessarily even the user who's doing the installing!  If somebody 
> installs Foo that depends on RuleDispatch, they are not necessarily 
> in a position to port Foo to using PEAK-Rules.  So, only in the case 
> where you are declaring a direct dependency from your package to the 
> obsoleted package, or where you are directly installing the obsoleted 
> package, do you even need to know anything about it.
> In the case of conflicts, conflicts presuppose a specific runtime 
> environment if the conflict is runtime environment related, and 
> again, at best all that can be done is to inform the user.
> If the conflict is runtime-process related (e.g. two libraries 
> registering the same Python hook), then only a project that declares 
> dependencies to both is affected, and only that project's authors 
> need to be informed.
> Given these conditions, it isn't clear that any of these three cases 
> (obsoletes, environment conflict, in-process conflict) constitute 
> something that an installation tool should be informing an end-user 
> about, vs. the developer or integrator who's declaring the 
> dependencies in the first place.
> For example, it might make sense for developer-side tools like 
> setuptools and buildout to check that one's declared dependencies 
> don't have conflicts before pushing out an sdist or bdist or doing an 
> install, and to warn for any obsoleted dependencies.  In contrast, an 
> end-user tool like pip or easy_install would have little reason to 
> check any of this, as their user isn't really affected by anything 
> but environment-level conflicts that are unlikely to arise as an 
> immediate result of installing the software.
>> +1. This series of mails point out that we definitely need to talk a 
>> bit more about the usability of the fields.
>> Maybe are we missing something here, and maybe arent we talking 
>> about the same type of conflicts. In any case, we need to clarify 
>> all this *before* doing the implementation stuff.
> I think that the main thing being missed is that these fields are 
> being copied from a completely different kind of use case: the 
> concept of a "package" as a bundle of preconfigured software that is 
> also pre-integrated with a uniform operating environment.  In that 
> context, it is the curators of that overall environment who are in a 
> position to make judgments regarding what is a "conflict", or what 
> packages will "obsolete" each other in the context of that environment.
> Lacking such an overall curator organization in the PyPI environment 
> (and not desiring one, anyway, since PyPI is inherently a software 
> distribution *catalog* rather than a platform of its own), these 
> fields make very little sense.  They are perhaps most useful as a 
> centralized way to pass along notifications to developers (or to 
> curator/integrators of system packages), but have little or no impact 
> on the software installation process itself.
> I also suspect that if you ask those curator/integrators of system 
> packages, that they will say that the information in these fields 
> would be of little value to them in any case, as it's unlikely that 
> the author will *know* about the kinds of conflicts they'd be 
> concerned about in their packaging process.  But it would certainly 
> be worth asking them.
> More to the point though...  I wonder whose idea it was to have these 
> fields in the first place?  Neither PEP 314 nor PEP 345 don't really 
> say, "Oh, such and such people asked for these fields for thus-and-so 
> use cases", and in the absence of such requestors and use cases, it 
> would probably be best just to drop them entirely.  (Unless of course 
> Fred offers a description of what his actual use case for Conflicts 
> is/was, and it doesn't fall into one of the categories previously discussed.)

FWIW, I helped add those fields to PEP 345, in the context of making the
switch from "module / package"-centric values to distribution-centric
ones.  The requirements came out of a sprint at PyCon 2009, with input
from both the Debian / Ubuntu Python packager (Matthias Klose) and one
of the Fedora packagers (Toshio Kuratomi).

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 540-429-0999          tseaver at palladion.com
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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