[Borgbackup] Ignoring files

borgbackup-list at thomas.freit.ag borgbackup-list at thomas.freit.ag
Mon Feb 26 16:43:03 EST 2024

Hi Thomas,

On 22.02.24 12:42, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
>> /yetanotherpath/Maildir/.INBOX.Operating.backup/dovecot-uidlist.tmp: stat: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'dovecot-uidlist.tmp'
>  > ...
>> terminating with warning status, rc 1
>> Pattern file contains following lines (beside some others):
>> - re:.*\.lock$
>> - re:.*\.tmp$
> Hmm, the regex patterns look correct. Strange.
> Maybe file a bug and include a minimal(!) script that reproduces the problem. Also include the borg version.

I've set up a backup to local disk (backing up only maildirs), which runs every 10 mins, to try to hit the issue more frequently. Pattern and options are reduced. Version is 1.2.6 at the 
client(Ubuntu packaged borg). I'll follow up, when I have gathered more information.

>> Unforturnately using a filesystem with snapshot capabilities (and taking a snapshot to backup from a stable source) is not an option for most of the systems I backup.

> Pity. Because the main problem of course is that the inbox is locked for a reason (activity in the mail files) and you could end up backing up an inconsistent state of the files in the worst 
> case.

In this specific case (dovecot index files), it is not a real issue. One reason more to get rid of those "false" alarms.


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