[Borgbackup] Problems after borg client upgrade

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Mon Feb 26 05:42:51 EST 2024

> The server support provider says the borg client receives v0.29 and a --remote-path option is available for v1.2.7

rsync.net is known to have that old borg as default (which is a bit 
unfortunate nowadays, but maybe hard to change).

> That was unexpected given that
> ssh user at server borg --version
> reports v1.2.7 - but there we are.

That's weird.

> I think it might be easier to let backups to new repos take the place of older archives over time, than to upgrade from such an early version - it doesn't seem to be possible to upgrade to v1.1 first, as the borg docs upgrade notes suggest.

I think you should be fine with existing repos after following the steps 
precisely (and use 1.2.7 on client AND server).


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