[Borgbackup] Problems after borg client upgrade

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Mon Feb 26 05:37:56 EST 2024

> Step 3 produced no output either.

3. Run: BORG_WORKAROUNDS=ignore_invalid_archive_tam borg list 
--consider-checkpoints --format='{name} {time} tam:{tam}{NL}' <repo>

That should definitely give some output -- except if a repo does not 
contain any archives at all.

I verified all the commands in the upgrade notes in the docs, they 
worked. So make sure you enter them as given (and avoid adding any 
complexity with trying to do additional stuff in the same command line).

You need to get the manifest and archive TAMs fixed before running borg 
check --repair or borg will delete all archives that have an invalid TAM.

The root cause that renamed archives are listed with an invalid TAM is 
due to a bug in earlier borg versions and the bug is fixed in 1.2.7.


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