[Borgbackup] No extended attributes from a backup sshfs mount

Bzzzz lazyvirus at gmx.com
Wed Nov 8 11:56:48 EST 2023

Hi borglisters,

I use BB in push mode, from client to server,
no BB instance running on the server.

Client NFS mounts the server share where it's repo is located,
then it writes it's new backup to this NFS mount,
everything's fine either backups or restorations.

The problem is, when client BB mount (sshfs) a remote backup and copy a
file from it, the extended attributes are not preserved even with :
"cp -a /SSHFS/file ." or "cp --preserve=xattr /SSHFS/file ."

Until now, it did not really matter, but I'm writing an app that
manipulates the extended attributes of some files, so in case of a
restoration, they must be present.

* Am I doing something wrong in the overall process ?

* Am I wrong to think xattr should be preserved in this process ?

* How can I (save ?) retrieve files with their xattr ?


Here are server and client setups :

server :

/etc/fstab :
LABEL=2TB  /2TB      ext4
auto,user,defaults,noatime,acl,user_xattr,delalloc,nouid32  0  2

/2TB       /NFS/2TB  none  bind                             0  0

/etc/exports :

client :

/etc/fstab :
rpi:/2TB   /NFS/2TB  nfs
user,noauto,nfsvers=4,hard,timeo=60,retrans=5,_netdev       0  0

borg sshfs mount (from my script) :
borg mount "$BORG_REPO::$BACKUP" /SSHFS/

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