[Borgbackup] Local Exception

Boris Kirkorowicz bkborg at kirk.de
Sun Jul 17 12:12:35 EDT 2022


Am 17.07.22 um 17:47 schrieb Sascha Ternes:
> Hi Boris!
> Am 17.07.22 um 17:19 schrieb Boris Kirkorowicz:
>> I plan to use
>> ext4 via sshfs after my tests work reliably.
> If you REALLY want to use SSHFS and not use Borg with a SSH repository, 
> note that SSHFS has some restrictions. See here:
> https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/deployment/pull-backup.html#sshfs
> Sascha

thank You for this hint. As far as I understand, this refers to a setup
where borg is running on the remote machine pulling the original data
over sshfs from the client machine to store them in a repository on it's
local disks. This includes the risk that the client's file system
features might not be transferred completely, so the restore might fail.
Did I get it right?

If I set it up the other way, that means borg is running on the client
machine, storing it's local data to the repository at the remote host
using sshfs, is this expected to work flawlessly?

Mit freundlichem Gruß                                 Best regards

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