[Borgbackup] SSH Connection Broken Pipe Error

Samir Parikh spython01 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 12:12:16 EDT 2020

Hi Everyone,

I am attempting to backup the files on my iMac running macOS Mojave
10.14.6 and borg version 1.1.11 to a repository on a virtual private
server running Ubuntu 18.04.4 and borg version 1.1.11.

I am getting the following error when backing up directories with a
large number of big files (videos, music, photos):

Remote: packet_write_wait: Connection to Broken pipe
Connection closed by remote host

I am able to backup my Documents, Desktop and Download directories as
separate archives with no issue.  However, I am having problems
backing up my Movies folder which contains a lot of video files.  The
command I am using is:

/usr/local/bin/borg create                      \
        --verbose                               \
        --list                                  \
        --progress                              \
        --stats                                 \
        ::$NOW-samir-movies                     \
        /Users/samir/Movies                     \
        2>> "$LOGDIR/$NOW-log-samir-movies”

Per the instructions in issue 3988[1], I have set the ~/.ssh/config
file on my iMac (local machine) to:

        ServerAliveInterval 10
        ServerAliveCountMax 30

and have the following configuration in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file
on the server containing the remote repository:

ClientAliveInterval 10
ClientAliveCountMax 30

but I am still getting the "broken pipe" error which kills the backup.
Any ideas on what I can try to resolve this?


[1] https://github.com/borgbackup/borg/issues/3988

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