[Borgbackup] best way to stop borgbackup?

Bill Kenworthy billk at iinet.net.au
Thu Jun 27 18:25:48 EDT 2019

On 27/6/19 11:13 pm, Eric Luther wrote:
> Per the documentation borg supports resuming backups.
> https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/faq.html?highlight=safely%20stop#if-a-backup-stops-mid-way-does-the-already-backed-up-data-stay-there
> As the documentation says checkpoints are created by default every 30
> mins. No matter how borg is stopped the archive created is valid up to
> the last checkpoint. We have only been using borg for a few months but
> when we need to stop a running backup I will generally run a `ps aux |
> grep borg` to find the pid of the running borg process, followed by
> `kill $PID` where $PID is the process id we identified in the first
> command. This does not abruptly end the process, it will usually wrap
> itself up within 5 minutes or so. In our limited experience this does
> not leave a lock on the repository, and is perfectly valid up to the
> last checkpoint.
> Hope that helps,
> Eric
> On 6/27/19 9:13 AM, Bill Kenworthy wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>      what is the best way to interrupt a running backup?
>> I sometimes need to do a quick stop to a running backup - usually via
>> ctrl-c, or a system shutdown.  Sometimes its a clean restart to the
>> backups, but often there is a lock left behind, and also other forms of
>> corruption.  Is there a less abrupt way of stopping?
>> BillK
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I am aware of this, its how to avoid an unclean shutdown that I am
asking about.  Accidental terminations will occur (accidents) but I am
asking if there is a way to ensure a clean requested shutdown of a borg
instance before normal completion.  A kill will leads to locks left
behind, and recently other errors requiring time consuming investigation
and recovery.


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