[Borgbackup] Mac OS Mojave

Stefan Buehler stefan at sbuehler.de
Sat Jan 19 07:23:36 EST 2019

Dear Borg gurus,

I run borg on a Mac. Since I updated to Mojave, I get error messages of this kind:

/users/xxx/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary: scandir: [Errno 1] Operation not permitted: '/users/xxx/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary’

I suspect this has to do with Mojave being more restrictive about letting apps access certain files or directories. Do you think giving “full disk access” to borg will solve this? Or should I give that to the shell script that runs borg for me, or…?

Perhaps there are other Mac users out there that have also run into this and already solved it.

Best wishes,


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