[Borgbackup] Remote monitoring of Borg results

José Ruiz jruiz at octanio.com
Wed Jan 9 05:54:18 EST 2019

Hi Eric,

You could check the status of your borg process and then send the result to an InfluxDB (with a simple curl). Then, you could create a simple Grafana panel to see the results.


> On 8 Jan 2019, at 15:28, eric <eric at in3x.io <mailto:eric at in3x.io>> wrote:
> Thanks for the great references to a couple of tools. the one thing I haven't solved yet is how to get results from cron without using email. Ideally it should be some sort of a centralized service / channel so I can get all of my chrome results in one place but still have a history so I can go back and look at them later.
> Yes, I'm quite aware that I'm replicating the behavior of update by email but unfortunately, at more than one of my clients sites, sending messages out by email is not possible as I don't control the mail system.
> I'm half tempted to set up dedicated email server just to receive system notifications from different clients.
>> On Jan 8, 2019 at 7:05 AM, <JK <mailto:qzwx2007 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> With cron I use chronic:  https://github.com/docwhat/chronic <https://github.com/docwhat/chronic> , chronic emails me only in case of error.
>> As a double check I monitor the execution of backups with pandora: https://pandorafms.org/en/ <https://pandorafms.org/en/>  Most of the bash scripts I use in a scheduled way (from cron) update a task specific timestamp file as a sign of success. Pandora then alarms me if any of these timestamps are too old.
>> jk
>> On 7.1.2019 14.44, eric wrote:
>>> I have a few instances of borg+borgmatic running at different client sites and wonder how others monitor the success or failure of each run?
>>> I was sending the results of running borgmatic via email but unfortunately, that's not possible/reliable anymore.
>>> How do others solve this problem?
>>> Thanks in advance for your insight.
>>> ---eric
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Jose Ruiz García • Administrador de sistemas
Octanio Sistemas Informáticos
 +34 952020575 <tel:+34 952020575>   jruiz at octanio.com <mailto:jruiz at octanio.com>
 www.octanio.com <https://www.octanio.com/>
 jruiz.octanio <http://jruiz.octanio/>

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