[Borgbackup] Prune and/or Compact finished with an error

Adi Marvillo adi5 at gmx.at
Thu Aug 30 11:22:32 EDT 2018

Hello everybody,
I am using the script from
um to automate my backups and always have this errormessage:
Keeping archive: vps48XXXXXX-2018-08-30 16:37:51.687246 Thu, 2018-08-30
terminating with success status, rc 0
usage: borg [-h] [-V] <command> ...
borg: error: argument <command>: invalid choice: 'compact' (choose from
'serve', 'init', 'check', 'change-passphrase', 'key',
'migrate-to-repokey', 'create', 'extract', 'rename', 'delete', 'list',
'mount', 'umount', 'info', 'break-lock', 'prune', 'upgrade', 'help',
'debug', 'debug-info', 'debug-dump-archive-items',
'debug-dump-repo-objs', 'debug-get-obj', 'debug-put-obj',
'debug-delete-obj', 'debug-refcount-obj')
Thu Aug 30 17:09:55 CEST 2018 Backup, Prune and/or Compact finished with
an error

What is my principal problem with "Backup, Prune and/or Compact finished
with an errorBackup, Prune and/or Compact finished with an error"?

I was hpoing to get more information when writing --debug into the
script, but no archive is defined "borg create: error: argument ARCHIVE:
"DEBUG": No archive specified" - how to define the logging archive?

Thx adi

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