[Borgbackup] fuse problem

Maurice Libes maurice.libes at osupytheas.fr
Thu Apr 6 08:46:53 EDT 2017

Le 05/04/2017 à 16:58, Thomas Waldmann a écrit :
>> root at rancid:~/BORG# modprobe fuse
>> modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:557 kmod_search_moddep() could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/4.4.6-1-pve/modules.dep.bin'
> Does running depmod -a and rebooting fix this?
> This is a kernel module problem.
thanks to all answers,

i have removed and re-installed  llfuse
- from pip3 install llfuse
and also via
- apt-get install python3-llfuse

but when borg moutinf the archives it is the same "fuse: device not 
found, try 'modprobe fuse' first

So  llfuse  seems to need some kernel modules in order to work ?
  but these modules are not installed on a LXC virtual machine on which 
I have installed the borg server

the "borg mount" problem occurs on a proxmox LXC virtual machine, which 
lacks some kernel modules such as /lib/modules/4.4.6-1-pve/modules.dep.bin"

I don't know how to install these kernel modules on the LXC virtual 
machine (as they are shared with the physical host)
maybe borg don't have to work on a LXC VM  as concerning  mounting the 
archives ?

Anyway I can acces the archives from another client PC, in which I share 
the same borg user
and same borg passphrase

borg mount 
borg at myserver.fr:/mnt/provigo-borg/sauve-netappdata::netapp-data-2017-04-05 

I don't know if it is a good practice to acces to the archives, from 
differents client PC, but it works

advices ?


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