[Borgbackup] Duplicating repository and making it independent from the parent

Eric S. Johansson eric at in3x.io
Thu Feb 9 12:54:47 EST 2017

On 2/9/2017 11:57 AM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On 02/09/2017 08:04 AM, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
>> I hope I didn't miss an FAQ on this topic.
>> I've been running Borg internally for a while and like many other
>> people, think it's great. Now it's time to move data off-site and I
>> tried just replicating the in-house repository with rsync. Once I
>> replicated the original data, I started updating both repositories
>> independently. . Apparently this is not a good process because I got a
>> warning about problems with the cache on the local server.
> http://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/faq.html#can-i-backup-from-multiple-servers-into-a-single-repository
> http://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/faq.html#can-i-copy-or-synchronize-my-repo-to-another-location

I was afraid I didn't explain it properly. Let me try again:

For a few weeks I backed up local data into local repository. Using
rsync, I replicated the repository to a remote machine. Now I have two
repositories local repository and remote repository.

client machine —borg create—> repo1
repo1 —copy—> repo2

I ran Borg to update the remote repository and I was told that the
remote repository originally belonged to the local address and I was
given the option of reassigning it to the remote address. When I updated
the local repository, I was told that belong to the remote address and
given the option of reassigning it to the local address. When I did
that, I was told the cache was newer indicating something bad happened.

client machine —borg create—> repo2
 # Got warning here about repository belonging to a local location

client machine —borg create—> repo1
# Got warning here about repository belonging to remote (repo2) location
and was told that the cache was newer than the repository.

I'm redoing the replication to make sure I didn't mess things up.  I'll
let you know if was able to reproduce the problem or not.

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