[Borgbackup] extract pattern never matched

Thomas Waldmann tw at waldmann-edv.de
Tue Jan 19 02:53:59 EST 2016

On 01/18/2016 03:54 PM, Stan Armstrong wrote:
> I am unable to extract due to an "Include pattern ... never matched"
> error.

borg --version ?

> The command that is failing is:
>     borg extract -v /media/4TB-1/SonS::Documents-201601180856
>     /media/2TB-1/home/stan/Documents/pdf*
>     2>/home/stan/Desktop/borg-extraction-log

That's unrelated to borgbackup:

in general you need to be careful with wildcard expressions: if you do
not quote them, the shell will expand them before giving them to borg.

* -> will be expanded by shell
'*' -> won't be expanded by shell

> The exact error message is:
>     "Include pattern '/media/2TB-1/home/stan/Documents/pdf' never matched."

You see: no * there.

Also, you seem to be ahead of time, we just recently added full pattern
support in github master.

So maybe rather try extracting the full filename(s) or the base
directory (no * at the end).

> The file manager shows that the directory
> '/media/2TB-1/home/stan/Documents/pdf' exists.

For extract you rather have to check with borg list whether a filename
inside the archive matches the expression you gave.


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