[Python-Belgium] Python Sprints before FOSDEM 2023 / Brussels Feb 1-2-3

Hugo Herter hugo at hugoherter.com
Thu Jan 19 13:24:40 EST 2023

Dear Pythonistas,

I am planning three days of Sprints in Brussels before FOSDEM, on February
1-2-3, during office hours (there will be plenty of FOSDEM satellite *fringe
*events <https://fosdem.org/2023/fringe/> to attend in the evenings).

Sprints are a gathering of developers, in this case contributing to Free
and Open Source Python software or its ecosystem.

Register here if you'd like to join for some warm up before FOSDEM:

Else see you at the FOSDEM Python devroom on Sunday 5th:

happy_hacking 🐍.


+32/485.191.123 <+32485191123> | hugo at okeso.eu | www.okeso.eu
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