[Python-Belgium] FOSDEM 2019 - Stand holders

Ludovic Gasc Lemaire gmludo at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 16:22:21 EST 2019

Hi Eric,

I have filled the survey for a slot for Saturday ;-)
I hope I will have the pleasure to see Pythonistas during FOSDEM :-)

Happy new year !
Ludovic Gasc Lemaire (GMLudo)

Le sam. 22 déc. 2018 à 09:21, Eric Gazoni <eric at adimian.com> a écrit :

> Hi !
> As you know, Python will have a booth this year again at FOSDEM.
> In order to allow everyone (including me) to be able to see some of the
> FOSDEM, it would be nice to have a rotation like last year at the stand.
> Activities include:
> - talking about Python to people
> - selling goodies
> - trolling recruiters
> - repeating 200x that Stéphane's books are not for sale
> If you fancy any of these activities, please follow the instructions here:
> https://framadate.org/python-fosdem-2019-stand
> It's really a lot of fun, so I hope we'll have plenty of people to have a
> good time there ;-)
> Cheers,
> Eric
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