[Python-Belgium] Python Dinner @ FOSDEM

Ludovic Gasc gmludo at gmail.com
Tue Jan 23 05:11:36 EST 2018

Ok for me.

Thanks Hugo :-)

Ludovic Gasc (GMLudo)

2018-01-22 13:14 GMT+01:00 Hugo Herter <hugo at hugoherter.com>:

> Hello Pythonistas,
> It is time to chose a menu for the Python Dinner during FOSDEM, and I
> would like to know your preferences !
> You will find in page 6 of the attachment the different elements I can
> pick from, with the goal of making one combination for everyone with 3
> parts: Entry + Main + Drink, or Entry + Main + Dessert, ...
> This would be the basis for everyone's meal, with the option to order
> additional drinks/desserts at a higher price and pay on site (per table),
> and exceptions are possible for allergies/vegans/...
> I like the following combination,
>  - A1: Potage aux Légumes *ou  *Petite assiette de salades mélangées
>  - B2: Moules Marinières, Pommes Frites *ou*  1/2 Poulet rôti, Pommes
> Frites et Salade *ou* Fish and chips, sauce Tartare *ou* Carbonnades de
> boeuf à la Flamande, Pommes Frites
>  - E2: 1 bière au fût au choix (25cl) *ou* 1 boisson soft (25 cl) *ou* 1
> verre de vin Maison rouge, blanc, rosé
> Total: 21.5 €
> What do you think about it ?
> *H**ugo **H**ERTER*
> +32/485.191.123
> hugoherter.com <http://www.hugoherter.com/>
> <http://www.hugoherter.com/>
> PS: Yes, there is a "*all you can drink*" option ^^
> On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 4:44 PM, Hugo Herter <hugo at hugoherter.com> wrote:
>> Hello Belgian Pythonistas,
>> As discussed with Ludovic, I am working on organizing a Python Dinner on
>> Saturday evening (Feb. 3rd aka during FOSDEM).
>> I got an offer from Chez Léon, where we already had a Python dinner, as
>> they can host 40 people with ease.
>> They have two options for the menu: either we pick in advance one of
>> their menus for everyone (limited options but interesting prices) or
>> everyone is à-la-carte.
>> Also, they do not want to handle individual payments (per table or
>> everyone together), but we could get individual VAT receipts for people on
>> a *business trip*.
>> I would like to offer an option to book the dinner in advance, with a
>> chosen menu and a platform such as Eventbrite to book the dinner.
>> I have never done this before, does it look like a smart move ?
>> Eventbrite or an alternative ?
>> Pythonically yours,
>> *H**ugo **H**ERTER*
>> hugoherter.com <http://www.hugoherter.com/>
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